Monday, February 1, 2010

Funny Gym Quotes What Are Some Funny Things You've Seen At Your Gym? I Saw A Women Eating Donuts While On The Treadmill Today?

What are some funny things you've seen at your gym? I saw a women eating donuts while on the treadmill today? - funny gym quotes

It is impressive. A few days ago I saw a group of three people walking in the gym. They had some unusual clothing, and I could not help noticing. they were very poor, walking in the gym for about an hour. The girl in the group was an arm curl in that time, and then left. I thought maybe they were just checking the site to use for the future, but exactly the same thing happened yesterday. I guess they believe that we are for getting credit in the gym or something. It made me laugh.


Vincent said...

I see people who curls and shrugs his shoulders on the ramp and squat rack. Actually, it's so funny, it's just annoying.

It is noteworthy that when someone puts so much weight in the bench press, and only as a "bank", weight, arm movement. It's really fun to watch, because moving the weight away.

B-Rookey said...

Here are some some funny things I saw in my gym:

- Put it in the days of the recognition of members, donuts.

- You do not have a smoothie bar - but with real beer and wine bar.

- One day a man was there shoulder presses with 90 kg weight in each hand. When he could get the last representative, he fell and started cursing a storm. I had my iPod and listen.

- A woman in my gym session in the 80's "get" physical team.

Mike said...

I went to the gym a few months, and shortly thereafter, a car came and threw two large Dominos Pizza coach working behind the desk. Funny, but the gym all started to feel like a Pizzari!

Pale Cheeked Angel said...

Hey, that's called multitasking. Work, so you eat donuts and do it together! ;)

Sexy Homer is back! said...

What's so funny? I eat donuts in the toilet and go right to leave and return no calories.

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